So we were eating when this tittle boy Pre-Ker walks by us in his froggy rainboots. I pointed to his boots and said (a little loud maybe because of the noise), "I like your boots!" Instead of the expected response of a thank you or a smile - he froze.
Maintaining eye contact I said again (maybe he didn't hear me), "I like your boots."
Nothing. No response. No movement. It was like his boots were made of concrete. I motioned for him to come over. Maybe he still didn't hear me.
Moving only his eyes, he looked straight up. It was the weirdest reaction I had ever seen. I turned back to the Principal and said, "What's wrong with this kid?"
I turned back to the boy, who was looking at me again. He looked up again, this time moving his head upward in a "if-I-can't-see-you-you-can't-see-me" motion.
Off to the side, the Pre-K Teacher Assistant was watching the whole thing. She scooted the boy closer to me and asked him what wanted to say back to me. With a pivot comparable to any college basketball player, he remained silent and went back to his table.
The Teacher Assistant explained the freakout to me after lunch. Apparently, in order to keep the kids in check, every time they walk by the front office, the Pre-Kers are reminded that if they don't follow instructions they'll have to see the Assistant Principal up there, pointing to my office on the second floor.
Poor kid. He froze his froggy footwear and freaked out from fear!
Later the next day, I walked into the library and the Pre-Kers were listening to a story. Froggy Boy came up to me and said, "Hi Assistant Principal." He was wearing his froggy footwear.
I felt this tug on my shirt and turned around to see a Froggy Girl! "Look Mr. Norton! I have frog boots too! Just like him!"
I wonder if they make them in 10 1/2?