Friday, August 22, 2008

How it all began....

It was May of 1981. One of the last days of school in my 8th grade year. Sister Elaine Marie was was giving the class their end of the year awards. The last pin, the Leadership award, was about to be given out. I really do not recall if I had received any awards up to this point, and I didn't expect to receive this one. After all, everyone knew Brian was the leader of out 8th grade class of 10. But she called my name instead. I was very surprised. And confused. Brian was the leader, I was second banana.
I still have that pin. I often pull it out of the container where I keep all my pins and tie clips just to remind myself of my obligation.

I have tried over the last 27 years to nurture my leadership potential. I eventually became a husband, a father, a teacher, then a principal. My professional niche was working with the at risk kids no one else wanted to have in their classes. I did that for ten years. Then I felt a call.
They say that education is a vocation. You feel called to it. Well if that is true, then Catholic education is a ministry. Obviously, any work we do to help proclaim the Gospel to others is a ministry. It can be as a parent, as a priest, a Pope, or a lunchlady in a Catholic school. Mine happens to be as an Assistant Principal of a 450+ student PK-8 school in Kentucky.

I am a product of Catholic education up to through the 8th grade. I never would have guessed or thought I would end up in a Catholic school as an educator. My rationale has always been the standard, "They don't make enough," or "The retirement and health insurance stinks." Well, last month I realized that it's not about the money (it never is) or the insurance, or the retirement.

I have been in education for 14 years. The last four as a principal. The last 13 in public schoools. This year I took the leap to become an Assistant Principal of a Catholic school. Whay didn't I do this before?

My hope with this blog (an an aoompanying podcast I hope) is to give you a perspective of American Catholic Education through various "segments" or areas. Bear with me. I'll be learning as you will, I hope.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking at your website and I definitely know where you are coming from as I was raised aas a catholic as well. However I've changed my views once I got into the Bible. I now have a website for Catholics to see the problems of Catholcism.

Please don't ignore what I am saying.. Jesus warned us of the many deceptions that are now out in the world - catholicism being one of the biggest. I invite you to visit me at

the articles are self explaining and Biblically accurate! The catholic church believes that since Christ started the Church,then what they say is inffalible, but Christ didn't start the Catholic church of today as they claim. You must read my articles.

thank you,